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My Soul Magnifies the Lord

I was recommended a book to read for Advent called Mary’s Voice. It is a series of reflections from the Gospel of Luke for the season. In the introduction it gives a little ‘history’ of Mary. Imagine her as a young woman living in a small village in an oppressed land, she was thought to be voiceless like so many women – but was she? Have you ever read her acceptance prayer at being asked to being a vessel for our Prince of Peace? Imagine again, how terrified this young teenage girl must have been when a very unearthly visitor stands before her and tells her that in a few short minutes she will be pregnant, and not just with any baby but the baby.

This story begs you to use your imagination, to picture yourself in that predicament, to really delve into her feelings. So imagine if you will, her fear at having to tell Joseph - her betrothed, that she was with child, remember that this was a time when women were not thought of as much, they didn’t have a voice, couldn’t make a decision, were only thought of as third class citizens (sadly still happening today.) But in that moment she accepted! She didn’t even think of saying: “no thanks, I’ll pass on this one”. Her simple and pure faith has given us the season we celebrate.

Then she had to take a perilous journey, heavily pregnant, on the back of a donkey, sleeping on rocky ground at night until the pair reached Bethlehem. Even there the difficulties didn’t end – no room anywhere, only a dirty stable, no midwife, no clean equipment, possibly just a bowl of water to help clean up, and that is where she gave birth believing in faith that God would make it right.

33 years later during Passover week, her son was to make a journey on a donkey, only this time it was as he entered Jerusalem. A week that would lead to his eventual death on a cross, again an act of faith and love, where He did his father’s will, just as Mary carried out God’s will without question all those years before.

So this Advent let us listen to her wonderful voice of acceptance. She was not a silent partner, she was not voiceless - she was an eyewitness to the story, she was faithful in her love of God and followed her Son right to the end because of that faith.

Read for yourselves her prayer of acceptance and be stunned at such faith:

Luke 1:46-56 – The Magnificat   

“My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name."

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